we do and teach co-design


Tools for co-planning, co-discovery, co-design and co-evaluation.


co-design and co-production tools

we’ve co-developed many tools across the co-production cycle (Figure 1)

we thank the many clients, colleagues and friends who helped to make the tools

  • four key principles of co-design
    A PDF you can print and share

    model of care for co-design
    practices for planning, doing and evaluating co-design (see: cards)

    better meetings
    tips and editable templates to improve meetings (visit website)

    words to actions
    practical suggestions to work together (download PDF)

    check in and evaluate
    questions and actions to check in throughout the process and evaluate the process (download PDF)

    talk about roles (editable)
    an example of identifying and discussing roles for people with lived experience (download PowerPoint).

    six core ingredients for respectful engagement
    access tips, videos and tools by NSW Health (visit website)

    essentials checklist
    think about and plan for recognition, safety and access (download PDF)

    explore access and inclusion
    do your homework on different access needs, offer accommodations and ask people what they need (download PDF)

    explore safety
    understand different understandings and needs for safety (download PDF)

    is it co-design
    an interactive and low-judgement quiz (visit quiz)

  • before you start
    questions to check intentions, resources and roles (visit website)

    plan questions
    use the questions to thoughtfully plan your project or committee (download PDF)

    check if co-design is right
    (download PDF)

    talk about roles (editable)
    an example of identifying and discussing roles for people with lived experience (download PowerPoint).

    method cards
    give everyone access to making choices about methods (download PDF of cards)

    explore access and inclusion
    do your homework on different access needs, offer accommodations and ask people what they need (download PDF)

    essentials checklist
    think about and plan for recognition, safety and access (download PDF)

    explore safety
    understand different understandings and needs for safety (download PDF)

    consider the mindsets for co-design (use Miro tool)

  • doing research together
    guidance on co-designing and co-delivering research (visit website)
    this resource focuses on medical research but many of the lessons apply to other kinds of research

    words to actions
    practical suggestions to work together (download PDF)

    check how you're going
    questions and actions to check in throughout the process and evaluate the process (download PDF)

    method cards
    give everyone access to making choices about methods (download PDF of cards)

  • check in and evaluate
    questions and actions to check in throughout the process and evaluate the process (download PDF)

    is it co-design
    an interactive and low-judgement quiz (visit quiz)

Figure 1 image description: Five circles sit around a central circle reading 'co-production' - they read co-plan, co-discover, co-design, co-deliver and co-evaluate. Around the edges are four principles: share power, use participatory means, prioritise relationships, and build capability.

A colourful collage features scissors, a person working with tools and abstract squiggles


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The lands we live and work is Aboriginal land and we Pay the Rent monthly. We respectfully acknowledge all Ancestors and Elders past and present.