we do and teach co-design

Testing Sessions Update

Thank you for your help improving the draft NSW Health Consumer Engagement Framework 👏🏼


This page includes some more information on what we heard, what we’re doing next and how you can be involved. Our next activity is making videos with consumers, carers and staff.

If you’d like to give feedback on the testing session, approach or framework. Please click the button below.


What we did 📝

NSW Health is creating a state-wide Consumer Engagement Framework. While the framework is for NSW Health staff, it must be accessible to consumers and carers, too. The framework won’t replace local health district or agency-specific frameworks.

  • In each testing session we looked at some elements of the new framework being developed. The framework is an outcome of the Elevating the Human Experience program [read more about this program].

  • The sessions were the consultation part of this process. We wanted to know if we’re on the right track before we go further.

  • While each session was a little different, we looked at: 

    • The framework objectives

    • An high-level process for consumer and carer engagement

    • A series of methods (formal and informal)

    • A series of principles to guide all activities

    • Some instructions and tools for the principles (safety, welcome, sharing power)

    • Mood boards of potential formats, illustration and font styles

If you missed out giving feedback on the objectives or overall process, please click here to access our survey.

image reads ‘overview of areas tested - 1 framework objectives 2 overall process 3 methods 4 principles 5 toolkit 6 look and format

What we heard? 🦻🏼

While we’re still working through the feedback, here are some of the big themes:

  • Being purposeful and planning together is important. We should say in the framework. 

  • We need to be clearer about who the framework is for and what it aims to achieve. So, we’ve created a draft simple Theory of Change, which you can provide feedback on here.

  • The principles are a good start but are missing some important elements (being purposeful, closing the loop). And, they need to be written in the same way to be easy to read. So, We’ve created a new version which you can provide feedback on here. Or, view here.

  • Including a range of methods was helpful. Especially methods that aren’t used much in healthcare. 

  • There’s strong support for videos, websites, using social media, cards (digital and physical) and documents for staff. While there was some excitement about apps, many apps already exist, are expensive to make and often not used by many people. So, we’ll consider less costly alternatives (such as mobile websites) and look where we could use existing platforms rather than create new ones.

  • Really different views on sharing power, and using power in partnership. Many people welcome power being explicitly and bravely named, and others felt uncomfortable or unclear of what this means in practice. While we'll take this to the advisory and design crew for more input it’s important you know we won’t be removing it entirely. In session four, we explored some kinds of power staff often have that consumers don’t (often - we know this is changing). See the image below.

image reads While some staff aren’t well supported in their roles, staff have a lot of power consumers don’t. For example: Setting agendas  Inviting and dis-inviting people  Saying where and when engagement 
will happen  Writing research questions

 What we will do with what you told us

We’re bringing together your feedback into themes and using these to guide the framework’s development - alongside the project advisory group, design crew and experienced designers. 

  • We’ll send you a summary of the feedback (without names) in the next month. There’s a lot of feedback for us to work through (including a lot of contradictory feedback). We appreciate your patience. 

  • We expect to be able to send out a new, final draft in December this year (2022). 

  • While it isn’t within the scope of this framework, we know training, support and resourcing is needed across the system to engage, well.


Tell us how you would like to stay informed or involved

We’ll keep you up-to-date using the email address you used to register.

The next opportunity to take part is in the videos we are making with staff, consumers, carers and facilitators to describe good practice.

We’re still planning this activity and don’t have all the details yet, so please let us know if you’d like to be included and we’ll share more information in the next 3-4 weeks. 

Please note while we welcome many perspectives, we’re prioritising more involvement and visibility (including in the videos) from individuals and groups who are often under-represented in engagement activities and resources. 


Do you have other questions?

Please get in touch with KA from Beyond Sticky Notes at ka@beyondstickynotes.com. Or, Megan Alston, A/Principal Policy Officer Patient Experience from NSW Health on 0404 619 930 or at megan.alston@health.nsw.gov.au.


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