we do and teach co-design

Prototyping Fundamentals_Payment

Register for 4 August - discounted individual tickets

Prototyping is a fundamental skill for co-design and reducing wasted resources on ideas that don’t work or can’t be implemented. Learn what prototyping is and how to use it in this interactive virtual session with KA McKercher.

📋 Course description

In this course, you’ll learn: 

  • What prototyping is and achieves 

  • When to use prototyping (and when not to)

  • How prototyping differs from other project phases (e.g. piloting) 

  • How to create a prototype and learning plan 

  • About different kinds of conceptual and experiential prototypes

Why does this matter? Without participatory and creative approaches, co-design can get stuck in meetings, planning and a lack of action. With good intentions, well-meaning individuals can focus too much on their own ideas and may skip testing critical assumptions that must be true for a concept to be implemented and deliver the desired impact. Prototyping can change these unhelpful patterns and help us embrace the co-design mindset of learning by doing.

🧠 Who this course is for

This course is for anyone who wants to learn about prototyping. You might have significant experience in other fields but may not have been exposed to robust and repeatable design approaches beyond sticky notes. Participants looking for in-depth guidance on one kind of prototyping (e.g. digital prototyping) may like to look elsewhere. 

🗝 Investment

Individual: $400 AUD + GST. Your place is confirmed on payment.

Discounts are available for First Nations practitioners ($300 + GST), young people aged under 25 ($300 + GST) and groups of 3 ($999 + GST). You can select this option at payment (we use Humantix) or contact KA.

🖥️ The workshop format

This 5-hour online workshop is a mix of experiential learning and accessible theory, with breaks every 50 minutes and a half-hour break for lunch (you’ll prepare your own lunch). 1-2 weeks ahead of the session:

  • You’ll receive a 5-10 minute task.

  • You’ll submit an idea of something that you could prototype and test that you’re comfortable discussing in the group as part of the learning exercises. It doesn’t have to be a real-world project and can be anything (e.g. a product, policy, process, service, program, model of care or physical space).  

After the session, you’ll receive several materials to support your practice and a discount for one-on-one or small group coaching. If you’d prefer private training for your team or organisation please contact KA.

🚪 How to register

Select the date below to register via Humantix:

Thursday 4th August 2022, 10:30am - 3:30pm AEDT / 12:30pm - 5:30pm NZT
Thursday 13 October 2022, 10:30am - 3:30pm AEDT / 12:30pm - 5:30pm NZT
Thursday 24 November 2022, 10:30am - 3:30pm AEDT / 12:30 pm - 5:30 pm NZT

💌 Questions or requests

Please contact KA McKercher.


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