we do and teach co-design

Framework Testing - Principle Three

🚨 DRAFT FOR TESTING - not the final design 🚨


Hi! 👋🏼 You’re looking at a draft of some things that might be in the NSW Health Consumer Engagement Framework. Information is missing and this isn’t the final design. During the testing sessions, we’ll do some exercises using this content. If you have concerns about the content before the sessions please contact sue@beyondstickynotes.com.


Principle three: Sharing power and decisions

Consumers, carers and staff make decisions together. Staff understand power differences, how to facilitate with power differences and share power. Here’s information and tools for consumers and NSW Health staff.


As a consumer, you can expect:

  • To have have access to information, choices and time to make decisions 

  • To hear conversations about how staff are thinking about power

  • To see all kinds of experience valued equally (lived, professional, educational) 

  • To have staff be genuinely interested in carers and consumers’ opinions, ideas and suggestions and see them as having a positive impact 

  • To have time to build community and relationships with other consumers

  • To have decisions clearly explained.


What doesn’t this mean?

  • Only involving consumers in low-stakes decisions such as brochures, artwork or the colour of curtains. Not higher-stakes decisions (such as service delivery, policy or strategy).

  • Having so few consumers at the table, their voices are overpowered by staff.

  • Asking people to make decisions without giving them equal access to information and time to reflect, discuss and evaluate the options.

Tools to support you 🧰

  • What should we include?


Help and advice for staff

As a staff member leading or supporting engagement, here are some actions you can take:

  • What’s your advice?

  • What’s your advice?

  • What’s your advice?

  • What’s your advice?

Tools to support you 🧰

  • What should we include?


If you’d like to learn more you can listen to experienced practitioners talk about how they use this principle. Or, tell us your formal and informal learning needs. You can choose to be anonymous if you’d prefer.


Please remember, you’re looking at a draft 📝