Framework Testing - Principle 1 — Beyond Sticky Notes
we do and teach co-design

Framework Testing - Principle 1

All of us: Engaging consumers, carers and communities across NSW Health [mock-up]


Core Ingredient: Create and maintain safety

We create physical, emotional, legal and cultural safety. We make sure everyone knows what to expect and what is and isn’t okay. We make changes when there’s a lack of safety. Here’s information and tools to put safety into practice.


As a consumers, carers or community members we want to make sure:

  • Your experiences and needs are taken seriously

  • You are asked about what safety means to you (which you may not be able to explain and that’s okay - we’ve developed a few tools to help)

  • You are physically, emotionally, legally and culturally safe 

  • You see and contribute to a code of conduct (what is and isn’t okay)

  • You have a safe person to turn to, access to peer support as well as free counselling if you need it

  • You know about your rights, your role and what to expect from the activities you’re asked to take part in or lead

  • You help to create safety for others, which might mean using different language. 


What happens without safety

If people don’t feel safe, they can’t take part. Or they may hold back their thoughts and ideas. If facilitators and others involved don’t create safety, we risk traumatising or re-traumatising people. Failing to create safety often means marginalised people continue to be left out. That decreases diversity and does not achieve inclusion. 


What safety isn’t

  • Facilitators saying this is ‘this is a safe space’ without taking actions to make and keep the space safe

  • Having only physical safety or work health and safety (also important, but not our only focus)

  • Excluding someone because we assume they can’t safely take part 

  • Shifting all the responsibility to individuals to advocate for their own safety 

  • Assuming people need clinical help when they feel unsafe

Tools to support you 🧰

While there’s lots of talk of ‘creating a safe space’ there’s very little on how.
We’ve created a few tools to support you - and we share a few existing tools and examples below.

  • Safety Planning Tools

  • Stories

  • Code of Conduct examples

  • Planning what you do and don’t want to discuss


Help and advice for putting safety into practice 🛟

If you’re leading, supporting or curious about engagement, here are some actions you can take:


If you’d like to learn more you can listen to experienced practitioners talk about how they use this principle. Or, tell us what you’d like to learn.


Please remember, you’re looking at a draft 📝